The Dynamic Pages are the pages, that are dependent on different parameters, and conditions.

To start creating Dynamic Page, double-click the ROOT and fill out the Property Sheet for Dynamic Page dialog box to set all the necessary properties for the entire Dynamic Page. All these settings will be used later in the page. However, you can add and modify any settings at any time.

There are the following actions operable while Dynamic Page executing:

When right-clicking any of the above items, two options in shortcut menu are available:

Note that depending on the selected action, one of those two options may be unavailable.

To modify properties of any action, double-click on it.

The Feedback Section is the main action element of the dynamic page. This element can be displayed in the browser. You can have as many Feedback Sections in the dynamic page as you like. The logical sequence of such action will be displayed as a page. When Feedback Section selected you can enter everything in work area as if you worked in Plain Page. Inserting of Dynamic Elements is enabled too.
Dynamic Element is an element, which is changing while the Dynamic Page executing. It can be the value of a parameter or variable, or a query record field. Query fields are available when the Feedback Section is inserted into the Query.
To insert a Dynamic Element, click the Dynamic Element Insertion button. In the Dynamic Text Element dialog box, double-click the element to be inserted. It will be placed at the cursor position.

Query action enables the database connectivity of the page. You can Select, Insert, Delete, Update records in the database.
Double-click the item to open the Choose Data Source for New Query dialog box.
To display query records, add a Recordset into the Query, then add a Feedback Section into the Recordset. Now you can insert query record fields into this Feedback Section area.

Using Send Mail action enables the page to send mail while the visitor is viewing the page. Double-click on the Send Mail item to enter From, To, Cc, Subject in the Send Mail Properties dialog box. Enter also SMTP server address.
In the body of the mail to be sent, you can design an HTML fragment like any HTML page, including images, tables, and Dynamic Text Elements.

Note: to use the Send Mail action you must ensure that a special ActiveX component is available on the server you will upload your site to. Please contact your provider or system administrator and provide them with this original component from your installation CD (the location is \Server Components\Send Mail\ folder).

Redirect action enables you to re-direct the browser to different page when viewing the Dynamic Page.
To redirect to a page in your site, click the Local tab. Select a page from the Site Pages combo box. Select parameters to be passed to the new page from the Prameters List combo box and click the Add button. Use the Modify button to assign a value to the selected parameter.
To redirect to a page on the Web, click the External tab. Enter a page URL in the Custom URL field. Enter parameters to be passed to the new page and click the Add button. Use the Modify button to assign a value to the selected parameter.

Cookie allows you to write something in the computer of the page visitor when the latter opens the page in his browser. Hence when he opens it once more, the page knows the history of visiting.
A cookie must be written before the page displays anything , so the Cookie action must be placed in the trree of actions before all the Feedback Sections.
Double-click on the Write Cookie item to enter the information to be stored in the visitor's computer.
In the Write Cookie dialog box, select keys from the ones listed in the Cookie tab of the Property Sheet for Dynamic Page dialog box. For every key, select a variable form the list to have its value stored with this key.

Condition item enables the page to perform alternative OK-NOactions. For example, the page can check whether a cookie is written in the visitor's computer. If not, displays some welcome text and sends an advertizing e-mail. If cookie available, the page reads an information stored in the cookie, and displays another Feedback Section.
In the Set Condition dialog box, you can select an operation, variables, parameters, query fields, cookie keys, and value to check the condition.

Statement item enables you to change the value of a variable while page executing. You can apply different operations using different values, parameters, queries, cookies.
Double-click the item to enter the operation in the dialog box.